Base Converter

by Sajjad Amin



Base Converter is a converting tool that helps you convert as usual used base numbers like Binary (2 based number), Octal (8 based number), Decimal (10 based number), and Hexadecimal (16 based number).It converts numbers to the following rules : 1. Decimal to Binary 2. Decimal to Octal 3. Decimal to Hexadecimal 4. Binary to Decimal 5. Octal to Decimal 6. Hexadecimal to Decimal 7. Binary to Octal 8. Binary to Hexadecimal 9. Octal to Binary 10. Hexadecimal to Binary 11. Octal to Hexadecimal 12. Hexadecimal to OctalFeatures :➤ Lightweight➤ User-friendly interface➤ Support floating points➤ Built-in keypad➤ Ad-free